Now on Twitter

One of my intentions for St John’s CE Primary School is to make the school walls a little more transparent and share more widely what is happening in and around our school. Some of you will have already noticed that we now have a Twitter address @StJohnsSch.

Whether you have a computer, tablet or phone, you too can access our Twitter feed. There are lots of ways to access our feed. 


1. Using a Web browser. Goto and create an account. Once you have an account, search for or follow this link @StJohnsSch and then click ‘follow’.

2. Using an app on your phone or tablet. In the app store, search for Twitter app. Download and install the app. Create an account or use the login details created via a web browser. Search for @StJohnsSch and then click ‘follow’.

Alternatively, I have included our Twitter feed below for those of you who don't wish to create a Twitter account.