The Link Newsletter #41
Friday 11th November 2022
Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been wonderful to see so many parents attend Parents' Evening this week. We had to extend the evenings to three in order to accommodate our some of the staff team who attended training courses this week. Thank you to those parents who may have had to attend meetings on multiple evenings.
Parents and children have reported positive feedback following the meetings, who now have greater clarity on areas to work on and also their strengths. It is clear that many of our children work hard, persevere and therefore continue to achieve well.
This week we also held our Remembrance Service at St John's Church. As in previous years we invited children and staff from our neighbouring schools. This year, we were joined by all of the children in Year 3 and 4 at Buckhurst Hill Community Primary School and Year 6 children from High Beech CofE Primary School. The service included a song sang by the Choir, poems, prayers and descriptions about service personnel. We also sang two songs, Peace Like a River and Chain of Love along with the National Anthem. The service began and ended with our flag bearers presenting the Beaver, Cub and Scout and Union Jack flags. Rory in Year 6 played the Last Post on the trumpet to commence our one minute silence and, new for this year, The Rouse to mark the end. Thank you to everyone who contributed to our service.
Later in the day, we took some our our children to High Beech CofE Primary School for their Remembrance Service. Rev Jane Yeadon led the service and we learnt more about the significance of the poppy and why they are worn.
Today, some of the Year 6 children attended the Remembrance Service at the Lych Gate where we were joined by members of the Royal British Legion, Parish Council and local residents. Mr Ian led the service of Remembrance, marking the occasion with the laying of wreaths. Afterwards, we invited participants back to St John's where we offered teas and coffees and a conversation. The Year 6 children proved excellent hosts, making conversation and providing drinks.
Earlier in the week, Mrs Hodis and Mrs Tinker chose some of the Year 6 children to remember the individual soldiers who lost their lives in the war. A prayer was read and a cross placed at each grave. The Church are looking for volunteers to maintain the graves of our war heroes. If this is something you may be interested in, please contact Kirsty Smith in the Parish Office.
FUN RUN UPDATEIt was a month ago since we held our Fun Run to raise money for our school and kitchen project. At the last count, we have raised £6440 which is a phenomenal amount. Thank you to everyone who sponsored their child and who have contributed to this total.
On Monday 14th November we are inviting you all to support anti-bullying week by wearing odd socks. Our odd socks celebrate that we are all different and unique in our own way. Children are invited to wear odd socks on this day; we look forward to seeing the vast array of colours and sizes!
On Friday 18th November we will be supporting Children in Need by dressing up in spots and stripes. Please bring a donation on Friday to raise money for this important charity.
We need you!
Since my last newsletter, we have not received a response to my plea for a parent or two to step forward and lead our PTA. This is far from ideal and means that our PTA group is now relying on the goodwill of one or two parents to make decisions. This isn't sustainable for the successful running of the PTA. I would welcome you to speak to me on the gate or email the office, to discuss this further.
Preparations for the Christmas Bazaar on 3rd December, 12.00pm - 3pm are in full flow. We look forward to seeing as many as you as possible on the day. There are lots of stalls for the children to enjoy but we need volunteers in order to run them.
All of the Christmas Nativity dates and times are in the school diary which you can view here:
We will be taking donations at each of the nativity shows which will cover the costs of putting on the production and to raise money for our chosen Christmas charity.
As we enter into the Winter months, severe weather can sometimes cause difficulties for the school to open safely. We will do everything possible to avoid a school closure. However, in the event that it becomes necessary to close due to staff or children not being able to travel safely to school or if the site and surrounding areas are unsafe, we will close the school. We intend to notify parents as early as possible on the day and before 7am. This will be communicated on our school website and through Instagram / Twitter. In this event, we will provide learning for children to access via Tapestry / Google Classroom. Please do not attempt to telephone the school as this may heed our ability to contact key individuals.
Have an enjoyable and restful weekend,

Head Teacher