Year 6 Homework
Reading: We ask that you continue to ensure that the children read on a daily basis and record this in their homework diaries (which will be checked during the week.) Children should now be encouraged to choose a book from the recommended reading list which can be found on the website. If you are unable to read with your child and they are reading on their own, please ensure that you ask them about what they have been reading to check their understanding. Prompt questions can be found in the homework diary towards the end. The children should be ‘magpieing’ new and exciting language from their reading and ensure that they understand the definitions- these new words should be recorded in their diaries/vocabulary books. The overall aim is to ensure that the children become fluent readers whilst encouraging them to enjoy reading and understand what they have read.
Times Tables: The children should have learnt their times tables by the end of Year 4. Therefore, if your child is still lacking in confidence with these, it is imperative that they are learnt by the end of this term. With this in mind, please work through the times tables one at a time, ensuring that your child can quickly recall all of the facts. Your child has a login to TT Rockstars to support this.
CGP Books: Your child should use these to revise for their end of Key Stage 2 tests. This should be done on a weekly basis following the guidance on the homework table. The suggested pages will link to the work that is being covered in class. The children will check the work themselves using their answer booklets, however we will check these books periodically to see how the children are getting on.
Creative Homework: This will resume after the Key Stage 2 tests
Every fortnight, the children will be set a piece of Creative Homework. It will be set on a Friday, to be handed in on the Friday two weeks later. The children will be given a green Homework Book in which they will record their responses to the learning objective set. Each Creative Homework task will be a unique record of the child’s thinking and learning.
At the top of each double page spread of the green book you will find:
- a learning objective (linked to learning in school)
- suggested activities that the children can carry out to meet the objective
- the deadline date for submission of the homework
Ways to complete the Creative Homework may include:
- drawings (art)
- photographs
- writing (lists, stories, diaries, fact sheets, reports, recounts, recipes, instructions)
- lift the flap
- puzzles, number games
- interviews
- internet or library research
- visits/activities to complete outside
Remember that the Creative Homework is a flexible, exciting and personalised learning tool – be as creative as you like and have fun with it!
Please also bear in mind that, with the busy lives we all lead, there may be occasions when you may not have as much time to put into this homework as others. We are therefore not expecting every piece to be completed in depth – as long as your child has engaged with each objective in some way then that will be enough. For example, on one occasion your child may complete an extensive project on the Pyramids, whereas another time they may simply write a poem about the topic. If you are having difficulty completing the tasks on a regular basis, then please speak to your child’s teacher.
We will be making time to share the Creative Homework tasks with the class so that the children can see what other children have been learning and get ideas for themselves.
We hope that you will find these tasks a fun and positive way to work with your child. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher. We look forward to seeing what you have got up to!
We thank you in advance for your cooperation.