Year 5 Homework
Reading: We expect children to read everyday from a quality text that extends their vocabulary at their reading level. This can be from the suggested 500 books on our website, but we want to develop a lifelong passion for reading, so encourage them to choose material they find engaging. Children should record their understanding in their home / school diary nd notice any grammar patterns they spot within their text. This will greatly improve their understanding of the English language, whilst giving them the tools to become better writers.
Spellings: Every Friday the children receive their spellings for the following week's test. They should practise reading, saying and writing the spellings before writing them into a sentence to ensure they understand the meaning and contexts the word can be used in.
Times Tables: Children have an online login for is TT Rockstars. This is a fantastic program that allows children to practise times tables and their related division facts.
Mathletics: This fantastic new, interactive Maths forum provides the children with the opportunity to explore homework set by teachers (consolidation and extending), whilst opening up a world of engaging and rewarding Maths-based tasks. Login online at
Each task should take 7 to 10 minutes (there is no time limit). Depending on the week, children will have 4 to 6 tasks to complete. This should be spaced out and children earn points for resilience in challenges they difficult.
Topic based: Every two weeks the children will be given a homework that is topic based. A homework brief will be supplied with a deadline. These projects are celebrated in school and we share in a positive way where children receive peer and teacher feedback altogether.