Year 4 Homework


Reading: Children are expected to read daily from a wide selection of free reader books in the classroom or from the Year 4 suggested reading list on the school website. Some children may be given a book from one of the colour book bands that they can select from school to support them with their reading. Each book review will count towards their Fab 50 target.

Spellings: Every Friday the children will receive 6 spellings from the years 3 and 4 spelling list. They should practise reading, saying and writing the spellings before writing them into a sentence. The children will be tested on the 6 words the following Friday.

Times Tables:Children have an online login for TT Rockstars. This is a fantastic program that allows children to practise times tables and their related division facts. It is important that your child regularly practises the multiplication tables to 12. There is a statutory, national multiplication screening check for all Year 4 pupils in June.



MathleticsOn a Friday the children will be set maths homework from Mathletics. Sometimes the homework will be set for two weeks as we will be learning and consolidating understanding of the concept. However once the children have completed the set tasks they are free to play on the games that they choose. 

Topic basedEvery two weeks the children will be given homework that is topic based. This homework will cover a variety of subjects and activities for the children to work from. Some will involve research which you as a parent may like to help with, but some is completely independent and may involve drawing or writing poetry. This homework should be completed in the green homework books. There will also be opportunities when children can present their homework using a powerpoint.