Year 4 Reading List
This list (which includes over 300 fascinating texts by a wide variety of popular and well- published authors) is intended to be a guide to books suitable for children in Year 4. The List, covering a range of genres, is drawn from a number of sources including teachers own recommendations; the National Literacy Strategy’s recommended texts; reading lists which have been suggested by other schools and the National Literacy Trust’s website. Some of the texts are more difficult to read than others and care should be taken when choosing those which your child might enjoy. Please discuss the books your child reads with him/her and remember that, even in Year 4, although a book might be difficult for your child to read, he/she will probably still enjoy having it read to them by an adult. Good luck reading and please enjoy these amazing books together!
John Agard-We Animals Would Like a Word with You A Caribbean Dozen - Allen Ahlberg -Seriously Silly Series Woof! The Clothes Horse Ten in a Bed Giant Baby Friendly Matches, Please Mrs Butler It Was a Dark and Stormy Night- Joan Aiken-Arabel’s Raven Fog Hounds Wind Cat Sea Mice - Hans Christian Andersen-The Wild Swans- Philip Ardagh-Eddie Dickens Trilogy, Fall of Fergal - Bernard Ashley-Justin and the Demon Drop Kick - Joe Atkinson and Joe’s Dad-Super Pumpkin- Richard Atwater-Mr. Popper’s Penguins- David Baddiel-The Person Controller- Lynn Reid Banks-Harry and the Poisonous Centipede series - Steve Barlow-Mad Myths - Mac Barnett-The Terrible Two Get Worse- Nina Bawden-The Peppermint Pig- Phoebe Beckett-McInroy-Once a Boy Won a Race- David Bedford -The Team - Shalbey Bellaman-Jack in the Wallows- Jill Bennett -A Pot of Gold - Sue Bentley-Magic Kitten series- G.M. Berrow-Lyra and Bon Bon and the Mares from S.M.I.L.E- Claire Bevan -Lucky Numbers - Caroline Binch -Gregory Cool - Malorie Blackman-The Monster Crisp Guzzler Operation Gadgetman!- Terence Blackman-Ms Wiz series - Adam Blade -Beast Quest- Judy Bloom-Fudge Series - Enid Blyton -Secret seven, Adventure stories Faraway Tree, Wishing Chair The Sea Adventure The Secret of Spiggy Holes- Lucy M. Boston -The Children of Green Knowe The Treasure of Green Knowe- Henrietta Branford -Spacebaby- Dieter Braun-Wild Animals of the North - J.L.Brisley-Milly Molly Mandy- Michael Broad-Jake Cake series - Walter R. Brooks-Freddy the Detective The Story of Freginald- Jeff Brown -Flat Stanley- Frances Browne-Granny’s Wonderful Chair- Melvyn Burgess-Earth Giant - Molly B. Burnham-Teddy Mars: Almost a World Record Breaker- Moira Butterfield - The Diary of a Medieval Squire/ A Young Elizabethan Actor - Betsy Byars -The Eighteenth Emergency- Horacio Cardo-The Story of Chess- Lewis Carol-Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland - Patrick Skene Catling -The Chocolate Touch - Karin Celestine-Honey for Tea- Linda Chapman -My Secret Unicorn - Lauren Child -Clarice Bean series - Rob Childs -The Big Match / Time Rangers series- Monsur A. Choudhury-The Non-Sense Collection Work: Work- Beverley Cleary-Paper Boat for Panda Ramona Quimby The Mouse and the Motorcycle A Girl from Yamhill: A Memoir- Shirley Climo -The Egyptian Cinderella - Peter Clover -Sheltie - Steve Cole -Cows in Action Astrosaurs series - Eoin Colfer -The Legend of Spud Murphy Captain Crow’s Feet - A.E. Conran-The Lost Celt- Paul Cookson -Tongue Twisters and Tonsil Twizzlers - Andrew Cope -Spy Dog series - Sharon Creech-Love that Dog Walk Two Moons- Helen Cresswell -Lizzie Dripping The Sea Piper - Richmal Crompton -Just William William the Fourth- Gillian Cross -The Demon Headmaster The Crazy Shoe Shuffle The Great Elephant Chase - Kevin Crossly-Holland -Storm Beowolf - Roald Dahl -The BFG James and the Giant Peach Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator The Twits Fantastic Mr Fox Revolting Rhymes Matilda Danny the Champion of the World George’s Marvellous Medicine The Witches- Jenny Dale -Puppy Patrol- Annie Dalton -Angels Unlimited - Lucy Daniels -Animal Ark- Antoine de St Exupery -The Little Prince - Narinder Dhami-Dani’s Diary- Tony Diterlizzi-The Spiderwick Chronicles - Chris d’ Lacey -Fly, Cherokee, Fly - Joshua Doder -GRK series - Berlie Doherty -Bella’s Den - Julia Donaldson-The Quick Brown Fox Club- Sally Donovan-Billy Bramble and the Great Big Cook Off- John E. Dorey-The Three Stuffed Bears- P.D. Eastman-Are You My Mother?- Dorothy Edwards -My Naughty Little Sister - Eleanor Estes-The Hundred Dresses- Victoria Eveleigh-Katy’s Exmoor Ponies- Aesop’s Fables -Orchard Book of Fables- Anne Fine -Bill’s New Frock, How to Write Really Badly,- Louise Fitzhugh-Harriet the Spy- Michael Foreman -War Game - J Foster -Spaceways (Anthology)- Korky Paul & John Foster -Dragon Poems - Cavanagh Foyle-Storms Cup Horton Hears a Who!- Vivian French -Tiara Club The Adventures of Alfie Onion- Jane Gardam -Kit - Sally Gardener-The Strongest Girl in the World The Invisible Boy The Boy Who Could Fly The Smallest Girl Ever- Leon Garfield -The Apprentices - Susan Gates -The Revolting Rabbles - Jamila Gavin -Grandpa Chatterji- Jean Craighead George-My Side of the Mountain- Adele Geras -The Fabulous Fantova Filea - Charles Ghigna-Raindrops Fall All Around- Morris Gleitzman -Toad Rage Blabbermouth Give Peas A Chance - Rumer Godden -The Fairy Doll and Other Tales from the Dolls House - Pippa Goodhart -Flow - Lisa M. Gordon-The Tooth Fairy Story- Kenneth Grahame -The Reluctant Dragon - Willis Hall -The Last Vampire - Michael Hardcastle-Eye for a Goal Matthew’s Goals - A Harvey (Ed ) -Shades of Green - Libby Hathorn -Way Home - Diana Hendry-Harvey Angell - Marguerite Henry-Misty’s Twilight- Herge-The Adventures of Tintin (many titles)- John Hickman-Freaks United- Nigel Hinton -The Finders - Matt Holland-Snotty McGrotty- Dorothy Horgan -Charlie’s Eye- Anthony Horowitz - Groosham Grange I Know What You Did Last Wednesday - Harry Horse -The Last Castaways - |
Shirley Hughes -Enchantment in the Garden
Chips and Jessie - Ted Hughes -Tales of the Early World The Iron Man The Iron Women The Dream Fighter and Other Creation Tales How the Whale Became- Pat Hutchins -The House That Sailed Away- Laura Ingalls Wilder -Little House on The Prarie - Tove Jansson -Finn Family Moomintroll- Madhur Jaffrey -Robi Dobi - Julia Jarman-The Time Travelling Cat- Susan Jeffers & Chief Seattle -Brother Eagle, Sister Sky - Pete Johnson -How to Train Your Parents My friend’s a Werewolf Pirate Brother, Bug Brother Mind Reader Rescuing Dad - Terry Jones -Fairy Tales - Ann Jungman-Vlad the Drac series- Erich Kastner-Emil and the Detectives - Gene Kemp-Turbulent Term of Tyke Tiler Tamworth Pig - Dick King-Smith -Dragonboy The Toby Man The Sheep-pig The Hodgeheg The Invisible Dog- Frank Lampard-Sea Dive- Maggie M. Larche-Stepping Up- Caroline Lawrence -The Thieves of Ostia - Michael Lawrence-The Poltergoose - Neal Layton -Mammoth Academy series- Robert Leeson -Smart Girls - G.Leeson-Tom’s Private War- C S Lewis -The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe - Gill Lewis-Moon Bear- Astrid Lindgren-Pippi Longstocking - Eric Linklater -The Wind on the Moon - Sam Llewelyn-Pig in the Middle - Hugh Lofting -Dr Doolittle - Korky Paul & Jonathan Long -The Dog Who Could Dig - Patricia Maclachlan -Sara, Plain and Tall - Margaret Mahy -The Great Piratical Rumbustification - Jan Mark -The Dead Letter Box- Simon Mason -The Quigleys - Anthony Masters -The Ghost Blades - Andre Maurois -FattyPuffs and Thinifers - Margaret Mayo & Louise Brierley-The Orchard Book of Creation Stories - Margaret Mayo -Why the Sea is Salt - Amanda McCardie -The Frog Ballet - Monty McClaine-Hide and Panic Stations- William McCleery-Wolf Story- Geraldine McCughrean -The Wooden Horse - Megan McDonlald -Judy Moody- Roger McGough -The Magic Fountain - Rachel McGrath-Grimwald’s Evil Pla- Daisy Meadows -Rainbow Magic Faith the Cinderella Fairy Julia the Sleeping Beauty Fairy- Ellen Miles -Puppy Place series - A.A. Milne-Winnie-the-Pooh- L.M. Montgomery-Anne of Green Gables- Michael Morpurgo -The Butterfly Lion The Dancing Bear The Wreck of the Zanzibar Toro,Toro The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips Farm Boy Kensuke’s Kingdom - Brian Moses -Aliens Stole My Underpants - Paul Mullins-Leah and the Final Whistle- Jill Murphy-The Worst Witch - Magdalen Nabb-The Enchanted Horse - E. Nesbit-The Phoenix and the Carpet- Jenny Nimmo-The Owl Tree The Dragons Child - Robert C O’ Brien -Mrs Frisby and the Rats of Nimh - Edward Ormandroyd-Time at the Top and All in Good Time: Two Novels- R.J. Palacio-Wonder- Phillipa Pearce -Dog So Small The Battle of Bubble and Squeak The Way to Sattin Shore- Gervais Phinn -Are we Nearly there Yet?- Dave Pilkey -Captain Underpants series - Alf Proysen -Mrs Pepperpot - Phillip Pullman -The Firework-Maker’s Daughter - Gwyneth Rees -The Fairy series - Chris Riddell-Ottoline and the Yellow Cat- Phillip Ridley -Kasper in the Glitter Scribbleboy Dakota of the White Flats Mercedes Lee - Rick Riordan-Percy Jackson- Marion Ripley -Private and Confidential - James Rix -Grizzly Tales Nasty Little Beasts - David Roberts -Dirty Bertie series - Michael Rosen -Hard Boiled Legs Spider Bought a Bicycle Tea in the Sugar Bowl You’re Thinking about Doughnuts Uncle Billy Being Silly Dog Who Walked with God - Louis Sachar-There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom- Angie Sage -Aramita Spook series - Francesca Simon -Horrid Henry series - Steve Barlow/ Steve Skidmore -Vernon Bright series - Charlie Small-Charlie Small series - Dodie Smith -101 Dalmatians - McCall Smith-Akimbo Alexander - Johanna Spyri -Heidi - Andy Stanton -Mr Gum series - William O. Steele-Winter Daner- John Steptoe -Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters - Robert Louis Stevenson -A Child’s Garden of Verse - Paul Stewart-Huge Pepper - Jeremy Strong -Let’s do the Pharoah Krazy Cow Fatbag: The Demon Vacuum Cleaner There’s a Viking in My Bed Otherworld My Mum’s Going to Explode The Hundred Mile an Hour Dog- J.Swift-Charlie Crump - Codebreaker- Robert Swindells -Nightmare Stairs Ice Palace- Ruth Symes -The Mum Trap - Theresa Thom Linson -Night of the Red Devil Little Stowaway - Colin Thompson -The Paperbag Prince - Ruth Brown & Francis Thomas -Mr Bear and the Bear- Sandi Toksvig -Unusual Day- P.L. Travers -Mary Poppins - Kaye Umansky -Pongwiffy series - Jean Ure -Daisy May - David Walliams -Billionaire Boy - Kaye Web -I Like This Poem - E. B. White -Charlotte’s Web Stuart Little- Ian Whybrow -Little Wolf - Laura Ingalls Wilder-The Little House- Marcia Williams-Robin Hood Greek Myths For Young Children Mr William Shakespeare’s Play - Moray Williams-Gobbolina the Witch’s Cat Ursula - Jeanne Willis-Dumb creatures- Henry Wilson -Jeremy James series David - Jacqueline Wilson-The Lottie Project Cliffhanger Sleepovers Double Act Buried Alive The Monster Story Teller The Suitcase Kid - Henry Winterfield-Trouble at Timpetill- Philip Wooderson -Trouble at the Mill - Johann David Wyss-The Swiss Family Robinson- |