The Link Newsletter #61
Friday 25th October 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am glad that there aren't many eight week half terms in the school calendar! This half term has felt particularly busy although much has been achieved and we still have so much to look forward to in the next half-term.
We have determined our school priorities for the coming year as part of a three year plan. The headline objectives are:
1. Continue to raise standards in Reading, Writing and Maths. We achieved well in each of the subjects last year but we have work to do to secure a stronger outcome in the combined measure of children achieving the standard in all three areas, Reading, Writing and Maths. Booster groups for our Year 6 children will commence after half term and these are being planned for as I write.
2. Develop a breakfast club offer at St John's. Now that the kitchen has been built, the goal was to run our own breakfast club provision. We hope that this provides a calm and safe space for children to begin their day with a simple breakfast and a variety of activities to prepare children well for the start of the school day.
3. Review feedback to pupils approach. We have learnt so much more about how and when to give guidance to children to improve their learning. When they make a mistake or identify a misconception, giving immediate responses 'in the moment' can be more effective than more traditional methods of making comments in books. We wouldn't give feedback after a trainee surgeon has made a mistake during open heart surgery for example.
4. Improve the break time and lunch time offer for children. Ultimately this means creating more opportunities to encourage children to play and engage in safe, meaningful activities. We may need additional adults to fully realise this ambition.
5. Improve the outdoor classroom provision in Early Years. We would like to install a new surface and redesign the space to create new spaces for the children to use and explore. For example, a performance space would be a wonderful addition.
6. Rebuild the Pavillion and resurface the Orchard. These are big projects that require a significant capital expenditure. This may take 1-2 years to accomplish. Both spaces are used often and contribute significantly to our playtime and sporting opportunities.
We were delighted that well over half of Year 6 children put themselves forward to be Head Prefects. I was very impressed by the quality of the speeches and the preparation that had gone into producing their posters and writing their manifestos.
Children and adults were given the opportunity to vote on who they believe would best represent the school in the role of Head Prefect.
I am delighted to announce that these children were chosen.
Will, Keeran, James, Isla, Leila and Naima.
Thank you to all our families who contributed to the Harvest Festival donations earlier this month. Our display in the church looked fabulous (thank you Mrs Adamson) and I know that the church welcomed this display during the church services.
Our Year 4 children, accompanied by several parents (thank you) took the donations to the Food Bank in Loughton were this was warmly received. The children were able to see firsthand the work that the Trussell Trust do in providing food for people in need.
The team have played three matches so far and have won all three. Some matches have been closer than others.
1. St John's vs Alderton Juniors - 3-2
2. Hereward vs St John's team A - 1-7
Hereward vs St John's team B - 0-23
3. St John's vs Theydon Bois - 2-0
On 11th October, a mixed team of Year 5/6 footballers competed at The Grange. St John's achieved 3rd place in this competition.
A mixed team of Year 3/4 footballers met at Shooters for a tournament afternoon with 18 teams on Wednesday 23rd October. The children won all their matches and progressed through to the final. Unfortunately we lost this match by the finest of margins, the final score being 2-1.
On Friday 4th October, our Year 5&6 girls football team competed in a tournament at Shooters, North Weald. With the support of parent volunteers, we were able to take two teams to represent St John's. Both teams showed excellent resilience throughout their group matches, where they both finished 4th in their respective leagues. To determine their overall places, both of our teams played their final match against each other, which ended in a narrow 1-0 score line. Well done to all involved!
We welcomed a film crew from the BBC on Tuesday who came to record some footage of Gracie in Year 6 during football training. The footage may be broadcast as part of the Children in Need show on Friday 15th November.
The team have played their first competitive matches since the netball squad was formed, led by Coach Victoria.
In our first match against Alderton Junior School at home, we were beaten 11-3. This was a good insight into the competitiveness of match play versus training.
In the second match away at Staples Road, the result was much closer. In the beginning St John's was losing 3-0, but clawed back 3 goals to level the match at 3-3. Unfortunately in the final third, Staples Road scored two more goals therefore winning the match 5-3.
Onwards and upwards.
This team achieved 1st place in the Panathlon multi-skills event. They showed such good team spirit. Panathlon is a series of events that encourages the engagement of children in sport. I am delighted that our staff provide this valuable opportunities for our children.
I am delighted that two ex-pupils of St John's have returned to coach our Tag Rugby team. Edward and Henry together with Mrs Jacob have been running weekly sessions. This ensured that our Tag Rugby team is well prepared to compete on Friday 8th November.
Thank you Edward, Henry and Mrs Jacob.
Our Head Prefects have been campaigning to bring back Hot Chocolate Fridays, many of whom included this in their manifesto during the Head Prefect elections. The midday team nominate five children each week who have lived up to the school values or who have supported other children or adults during lunchtime. Hot Chocolate Fridays take place with the Head Teacher.
I have used this time to gather feedback from the children about their school meal choices, what is working well for them in school and how the school can continue to improve. As ever the children have wonderful ideas which is a joy to hear.
A brief update on kitchen developments.
School meal numbers have increased further, currently serving 320 meals.
We are now fully staffed In the kitchen and we welcomed Sam Ward, Assistant Cook, to the team last week.
Our Autumn Term three-week menu has been published and the feedback from the children continues to be positive. It is worth mentioning that the fresh meat used in all home cooked food is supplied by Church's butchers in Epping. We are pleased to be partnering with them.
Earlier this week, we provided children in KS2 with a sample of the Chilli Con Carne meal to anyone who wished to sample it. The feedback from the children was wholly positive and we hope that more children will make this their choice in a few weeks time.
We intend to continue to encourage children to choose from our main meal options and it is noticeable that parents are doing the same. Thank you.
A final reminder that the statutory national closing date for applications is 31st October 2024. Applications made after this date will not be considered until offers have been made. Therefore it is essential that all parents make their applications before the deadline.
Applications can be made online via 99% of parents in Essex applied online last year.
All of the application information is available on the website above.
Our first Parents' Evening of the year takes place on 12th and 14th November. It is an expectation of mine that all parents make an appointment to meet with your child's class teacher. My belief is that the home ~ school partnership is key in enabling children at St John's to thrive. We cannot do what we do on our own. Please do make an appointment on either evening.
Mrs Seal will release the booking process which is completed via Arbor at 9.30am on Tuesday 5th November when we return after the half term break. Meanwhile, make sure your Arbor app is active and that you have your login details.
School begins at 8.40am. Children must be at the school gates at this time. A number of families are still arriving after 8.45am and I will be monitoring closely the families who are not arriving at school on time. Please ensure that your child is not missing minutes of their learning.
The Attendance Policy has been approved by Governors. It states the times of the school day. It makes clear your responsibility to ensure all children attend school regularly even if they are not feeling 100%. The policy about term time absence including holidays taken during term time is explained within it.
The Fun Run was a huge success. We raised over £5000 from the generous support by parents. Thank you parents!
The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves as they completed laps of the Orchard throughout the day.
Our thanks to Mrs Henry, Mrs Francis, Miss Spurdle and Mrs McNally for organising and running a wonderful fundraiser on behalf of the PTA. Well done team! Thank you to eightfourtwo for your generous sponsorship of this event.
Thank you to everyone who attended the quiz night. It was a fun evening and we raised over £700 for the school.
As we go into half term break, a couple of important notices.
Wreath making event
We are planning a wreath making evening on 27th November in the church. It will cost £35 per head. Before we go ahead, we want to gauge numbers. Please can you let your class rep know if you are interested.
Christmas Bazaar volunteers needed
A reminder that the Christmas bazaar will take place on Saturday 7th December. Like the summer fayre, each year group will be allocated stalls to run. Details to follow after half term.
Most Importantly we really need everyone’s help with Raffle Prizes. If you or your company are able to help please get in touch with the PTA asap.
Are you interested in training to become a Primary School Teacher?
We have Initial Teacher Training vacancies to begin training at the beginning of September 2025. We are looking for people who have a degree, a passion for education and teaching and want to inspire young people to fulfil their potential.
We would be very interested to hear from you if you are thinking of becoming a teacher, or know someone who is.
This is not a drop in event so please book your place now by emailing
We welcome the opportunity to meet and talk to you about the exciting teacher training opportunities available. Susan Marbe, the West Essex SCITT Director can be contacted at or please call one of our team on 02085042934 option 6. We can also provide you with support and guidance on your DfE APPLY application form
For any further information on what becoming a teacher might involve more generally, you can visit or
You can find and apply for our Initial Teacher Training courses via DfE FIND
On Monday 4th November, teaching staff from across the Trust will be receiving a Trauma Perceptive Training update in the church at St John's. Support staff will be training at Oak View. Therefore school is closed to pupils.
We return to school on Tuesday 5th November at the usual time of 8.40am.
Until then, have a wonderful half term week. I hope this will be a restful and peaceful break for everyone.
Jonathan Furness
Head Teacher