The Link Newsletter #50
Friday 15th September 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
One full week into the new school year and it already feels like we are back into the normal school routine. We know that many children find routine an important part of their daily life, giving them assurances and a sense of security knowing what happens and when.
Thank you to everyone who has worked hard to adjust to the new school start times. Just to confirm, all children are expected to be in school at 8.40am. This consistent start time for all children ensures we are meeting the government expectation of running a 32.5 hour week. We know that some families have found it challenging to arrive on time due to traffic. Setting off 10 minutes earlier may avoid that feeling of stressed or rushed for you and your children. Additional stress can cause children to feel anxious which is not a good start to the day for them. We monitor attendance and punctuality and where there is persistent lateness or poor attendance we work with families overcome any barriers.
The two inset days were incredibly busy. We worked with our colleagues at High Beech on partnership projects that will benefit children in both schools. We shared the recently published Ofsted report for High Beech with both teams. We discussed and planned opportunities for teachers to observe each other teaching across both schools. We considered how collaborative subject leadership will enhance the curriculum we deliver in each school. In addition, we discussed how we can enrich the children's experiences building on the strengths of staff and skills in each school. For example, High Beech run a very successful Forest School which would be wonderful for our children to experience either at High Beech or here at St John's. Watch this space for more details.
On Day 2, our Phonics leader, Mrs Noverre organised for the staff team to receive Phonics training which was led by the author of the Supersonic Phonics Friends scheme. Thank you Mrs Noverre.
Having made lots of progress towards the objectives on our school development plan last year, we have decided on the following additional objectives for this year:
1. Enhance the break time and lunchtime provision.
2. Review and develop new approaches to improving outcomes in writing.
3. Embed Supersonic Phonics and Spelling Shed to teach grammar, punctuation and spelling skills.
Earlier this week we introduced the new Lego bench to children. All new equipment at St John's will be introduced to the children in a series of assemblies. The intention is that we explain how the equipment may be used, drawing on the children's ideas, and also talking about how we use it safely and fairly.
A big thank you to families who responded to my plea for Lego. We now have plenty of Lego to use and be able to replenish as and when. Thank you.
If you have a Table Football or similar game that is surplus to need and would be able to donate it, we would be very grateful.
We are now looking for some old suitcases. They need to be safe, no sharp or broken plastic or metal pieces. If the zips are broken but it can still be wheeled, we could make use of it.
Please keep an eye out for further requests for play time equipment.
I would like to acknowledge our heartfelt thanks to parents who contribute to school life in so many ways. The support received comes in a variety of forms, from daily readers, trip volunteers, organising and reuniting lost property to running our Nearly New Uniform shop and supplying the school with additional funding and resources.
During the holiday, parents donated a variety of toys, games and puzzles which have found their way into the Foundation classes. The staff and new children are delighted! Thank you parents!
Mrs Bage and staff have worked tremendously hard on renovating and replenishing the library of books. We now have a digital system for logging books in and out, a set of topic loan books for classes and a whole set of brand new books from a wide range of exciting authors. Thank you to parents who donated items for the libray. All remaining items were funded by the PTA.
The Inclusion team need to replace our mini trampoline. If anyone has one that their child has outgrown, please consider donating to our Sensory Circuit space.
I wish to remind everyone that term time holidays are not sanctioned or authorised. A number of parents have recently requested leave for term time holidays. All holidays are marked as unauthorised leave.
I strongly believe that children should be in school every day, including the weeks leading up to the holiday periods. We cannot educate your children when they are not in school. One day missed of learning sets the children back and they never have the opportunity to catch up. Parents at St John's are incredibly supportive and recognise the impact a single day has on children's outcomes, never mind absence for more than a day. Our staff work tirelessly to provide support for children who are absent due to illness but the same cannot be provided for children absent for other reasons. The workload on staff is enormous and it is unfair for parents to exert further pressure on the teachers and support staff.
I also wish to clarify that we will not be accepting requests for early pick up from September. The impact of a child leaving early is significant on the office staff. You may not be aware, but each time a child is collected, Mrs Seal or Mrs Aarons leaves the front desk to collect the children. This is not only disruptive to your child's learning, other children in the class and teaching staff, but also disruptive to the smooth operation of the office team who are single-handedly managing phone calls, responding to visitors at the gate and much more besides.
Of course there may be special circumstances outside of usual routine appointments where children will need time out of school. Please discuss this with the leadership team on the gate or with the office team.
Now that we have had our first full week back at school, may I ask parents to drop children at the gates and allow them to walk into school independently. The only exception is for children in Foundation or those who may be feeling distressed. A number of parents are wishing to catch and speak to teachers at the beginning of the school day. This isn't the best time as the teachers will be with the class helping them settle and start their learning. If you need to pass a message with urgency, please speak to the leadership team or any adult standing at the front of the school. We will pass your message to the class teacher.
We have welcomed Ollie Boreham to St John's over the last week and a half. Last week he came in to school to introduce himself to the classes he is working with. This week, the children have been actively involved in PE lessons and from what I have observed they have been fun and engaging.
Ollie will also be running some after school clubs. Please see the separate email with a list of the clubs that he is offering. Ollie is not directly employed by the school and therefore he will need to charge for after school clubs in the same way as the football and Multisports clubs.
However, I would like to make clear that selection for competitive events will not be chosen solely on those who attend the clubs. The class teachers together with Ollie and Miss Ruddock (PE Leader) will be ensuring that we choose children with the skills, commitment and desire to represent St John's from the whole school.
You will notice that we have made a small change to how homework is provided.
Each child in Years 1-6 have been issued with a homework book which is the place for work to be completed. Class teachers may include the homework tasks as a printed sheet in the books, but the tasks will also be available on the Google Classrooms as before.
It is imperative that we work together to encourage the children to look after their homework books and value the importance of practicing their learning at home. This will stand them in good stead for their education in this school and beyond. In return, our staff will acknowledge and respond to all homework to ensure that the children's efforts are recognised and celebrated.
We have presented our first Head Teacher Gold Award certificates to 23 children and to all the children in Swallow class. What a wonderful start to our new academic year! Year 6 children also presented the Caring Cup to children in Years 1-6. Congratulations to all of our Gold Award and Caring Cup winners.
Jonathan Furness
Head Teacher