Fundraising and Annual Reports


School labelling

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Matched giving / Pound for Pound

Does your employer run a matched giving scheme? Don't forget to apply for this if you have volunteered at one of our events. Our Charity number is 1031421. 

Annual Reports

Read the Treasurer's Report for 2022 / 2023 here.

pta treasurers report 2023.pdf

 Read the Chair's Report for 2022 / 2023 below.

St John's C of E Primary School PTA

AGM 05OCT2023

Welcome everyone. For those who don't know me I am Sue Moody, PTA Chair.

Apologies - Jane Peace and Kate Marshall

St John's PTA is run by volunteers who parents or carers of pupils currently attending the school and the teaching and non-teaching staff. We meet once or twice every half term, either at the Toby carvery or via Zoom, and sub-committees are set up to run events.

I have been in position since January this year. There was little information available so a constitution has been created along with clear roles and responsibilities for the chair, treasurer and secretary roles. A new payment management process has also been introduced.

Events in 2023

  1. the PTA have facilitated the travelling book fair enabling the school to obtain additional books.

  2. the headteachers ball was scheduled to take place in may but unfortunately we had to cancel due to low numbers of participants.

  3. a Summer Fayre was held in June.

  4. a number of nearly new uniform sales have been held.

The PTA also assist with sorting out lost property, selling rucksacks for children in Y3 and above and working with parents to obtain donations of books, toys and lego.

In 2023, PTA funds have paid for

  1. theme weeks - Modern Foreign Languages in Feb, Art in May.

  2. playground equipment

  3. badges for the Choir, School Council and Prefects.

  4. resources for the school library including a bookstand and a book storage unit.

  5. Y6 bibles.

2023 / 2024 events

  1. the children have already created pictures for Christmas cards.

  2. the fun run will take place on Wednesday 11th October.

  3. the travelling book fair will take place 1st - 6th November.

  4. the Christmas bazaar is on Saturday 2nd December.

  5. nearly new uniform sales will happen throughout the year.

The PTA will provide refreshments for the class Christmas parties and a decision will have to be made as to whether we hold a headteachers ball next May.

It is proposed that I remain as chair and Dave Snaith remains as treasurer until the next AGM. Any objections?

We still have a vacancy for a secretary so if anyone is interested and wants more details then please speak to me.

The PTA cannot run without volunteers so if anyone here is not already involved and would like to be then please speak to myself or Mandy Smith and we will get you added to the Whatsapp group.

I am now going to handover to Dave to provide the treasurers report. It should be noted that the outgoing treasurer did not provide an adequate handover so we have done the best we can with the information we have been provided.