School Improvement Plan 2022-2025

Over the next three years have set the following objectives:


1. To ensure that our curriculum is broad, balanced and progressive

This will lead to:

Children will experience an exciting curriculum which stretches and challenges their ability.

Children will value the connection between new knowledge and applying this in a real- life context.

Staff will be confident in planning learning that builds on children’s prior knowledge and enables them to deepen and widen their understanding.

Parents will have access to an accurate overview of long term plans at St John’s for each year group.

2. To develop children's love of reading, ensuring children are reading regularly at home and at school.

This will lead to:

High quality books available in each class base.

All children choosing books which match their reading ability, enabling them to be stretched.

Children talking about their reading books, demonstrating that they understand what it is they are reading.


3. To develop children’s skills in becoming more independent and taking responsibility for self and learning

This will lead to:

Children will demonstrate greater independence and will be thinking for themselves.

Children participating more by using Opinion, Agree, Build and Challenge response strategy.

Children able to use marking stations and decide their own starting points enabling them to make accelerated progress.

Children across the school taking greater ownership of their role as citizens of St. John’s.

4. To widen children’s spiritual awareness of closeness to God

This will lead to:

Whole school awareness of Thought for the Week to focus Act of Collective Worship.

Vision statement shared with all stakeholders. Children, staff and parents able to talk about its value and purpose.

Clear understanding of our strengths and areas for development.

HT and staff have a clear understanding of the SIAMS inspection framework.

SIAMS SEF written and evaluated.

5. To ensure that all subject leaders have a clear understanding of their role as middle leaders, to develop their subject and secure the best outcomes for pupils.

This will lead to:

Staff will be confident to lead their subject areas.

Staff will have clear understanding of roles of responsibilities.

Staff will have real data with which to analyse and make improvements to their subjects for further review.

Improved curriculum offer, providing a rich, exciting and creative curriculum.

6. Develop SEND provision to ensure that it fulfils our statutory obligations and leads to outstanding outcomes for SEND children.

This will lead to:

Improved quality of SEND provision for children leading to stronger outcomes for children with SEND.

Early identification of children with additional needs

Increased knowledge and understanding of supporting children with SEND with the teaching and support team.

7. To improve the quality of school meals for children

This will lead to:

Quality of school meals much improved.

Menu will offer a wider range of food.

Children will have access to a salad bar.

School can utilise the kitchen for cooking as part of the curriculum.