Year 2 Sportshall Athletics
Today, Friday 9th March, 40 children from Year 2 went to King Harold School in Waltham Abbey to take part in the Sportshall Multiskills Festival. 2K went in the morning and took part in running races, obstacle courses, standing long jump, speed bounces, target throwing, chest push throws and beam balance. They enjoyed every minute and were extremely sensible when the fire alarm went off half way through! They lined up sensibly, walked out of the hall quietly and went to the meeting point. Luckily it only took a few minutes until we were back in the hall. 2K had a wonderful time.
Once 2K had arrived safely back to St John’s it was the turn of 20 children from 2T to get ready and go to Waltham Abbey. We all changed out of our wonderful World Book Day costumes, donned our PE kits and set off. Mrs Adamson was waiting there for us and registered the children as they arrived. A special thank you should be given to Mrs Adamson as she stayed there all day, even eating her lunch in the sports hall! Thank you. 2T also had a fabulous time, we too enjoyed all the athletic activities. There are definitely some budding Olympians in year 2. Well done everyone it really was a pleasure to take you.