Term Dates 2018/19 now in our calendar
Dates for the next academic year are currently being uploaded to our school calendar. More will be added over the next two weeks.
If you would like to access the calendar on your Android device or iPhone then please follow the below instructions.
Individual datesClick the relevant icon to add individual diary dates to your calendar.
In Outlook you will need to click the 'Save' button.
Subscribe to the whole calendar
Please find below instructions on how to configure some of the most popular calendar programmes to automatically display dates from the public address of the school calendar feed, which is:
Feed address: webcal://johnbuckhurst.greenschoolsonline.co.uk/ical.ics
- Outlook: follow these instructions, using the feed address above
- iPhone: click this link and follow the on-screen instructions
- Gmail / Android: follow these instructions, using the feed address above