Roding Valley Meadows Year 3 Trip

On Tuesday the 7th of March Year 3 went on a school trip to Roding Valley Meadows. The trip was to consolidate their learning on the Stone Age and learn what it might be like to live during these times. In addition, they learnt new skills associated with Geography in terms of map reading and using a compass to follow directions.  The whole day was spent outside in the nature reserve doing a variety of different activities. One activity involved orienteering around a set course where all children successfully used the compass and read the instructions carefully to find hidden cave paintings. They then got to make their own cave art by collecting natural objects (mainly a lot of mud) and mixing it with water to create a paste. We were all impressed with how creative their mud drawings were. After lunch, and a quick go on the beautiful play area, the children started their afternoon activities. The first objective was to build a waterproof den out of sticks. They all enjoyed decorating their dens and making them cosy with log seats and moss. Some turned out to be more waterproof than others. One of the highlights of the day was sitting around a fire toasting marshmallows.