Friday Roundup 17/11/17

End of Week Ten! 17th November


Shoe Box Appeal (Samaritan’s Purse):

Thank you to all of the children and parents who have been bringing in Samaritan’s Purse Shoeboxes over the last few weeks. I am delighted to say that we have collected 375 shoe boxes! Well done! I know that these gifts will go to very grateful children.


Travelling Book Fair

Just a quick note to say thank you to all of the people who have bought books from the Travelling Book Fair. They raised £965 from the sale and the school received £519 of that to put towards books of our own. Thank you everyone.


Computing & Safeguarding Advice:

Many YouTube videos aimed at children are, according to James Bridle, a campaigning technology-focused artist and writer designed to traumatise or abuse children. He comments;

Much of this content appears innocent and uses well known characters such as Peppa Pig and Thomas the Tank Engine in unusual or traumatising situations. The content has been created by people who wish to scare or intimidate young children.

 “What we’re talking about is very young children, effectively from birth, being deliberately targeted with content which will traumatise and disturb them, via networks which are extremely vulnerable to exactly this form of abuse.”

The school recommend that young children should be supervised in watching YouTube as new content is added daily and may not be removed before your child sees it.

YouTube recommend that anyone under the age of 13 use YouTube kids app. They say the bulk of this offensive content has been removed.

For more information, please see your class teacher or visit


5D’s Class Assembly

Well done to class 5D, who put on a great performance in the Church on Thursday, to show what they have been learning in class, since September. All the parents and members of the St John’s Community who attended, were treated to an A-Z of the things that they’d been learning about, which included interesting facts, quotes, performances, a crazy song (everyone who was there knows what I mean!) as well as a guest appearance by Zeus and Yoda. They even showed off their impressive screen-printed t-shirts.

Thank you to all the children and parents who helped, but especially Mrs Daines and Mrs Fowles who helped the children to put it all together.   


Christmas Bazaar

A reminder from last week’s roundup… we hope you have saved the date for our Christmas Bazaar on Saturday 2nd December at 11-3pm.We still need as many volunteers as possible on this day- for 1 hour slots or more.

Please let us know ASAP if you or a family member can help in any way! We have lots of opportunities for older children to help out too.  All children that volunteer for an hour slot or more will be awarded a special certificate for their Help.

Please volunteer by contacting  your PTA class rep or email at us : . Many thanks, St John’s PTA.

Code of Conduct (Parents/Carers) Policy

Please find attached a link to a new policy which is available to read on our school website.


Diary Dates

Activities this week:

It was Anti-Bullying Week, this week. The children have been doing activities and making posters in class to keep this at the fore-front of everyone’s minds.

  • Thursday 16th November – 5D Class Assembly at 10am in the Church
  • Friday 17th November - Tag-Rugby Competition – 9.30am to 12.30pm
  • Friday 17th November – Last day for purchasing Christmas cards


Coming Up…

  • Monday 20th November – School Council Visit the Palace of Westminster with Mr Whale and Mr Jarmain.
  • Friday 24th November - 6C’s Class Assembly at 10am in the Church 


Thank you everyone and enjoy your weekend!


Mr C. D. Jarmain
