Friday Round Up 16th March

16th March 2018

Friday Round-Up

Spring term Week 9


Reception 1 - Class Assembly:

On Thursday, we were treated to a ‘zoo’ themed assembly by Mrs Mortimer’s class, R1. From start to finish, we were treated to some dazzling dances and songs, with a powerful opening to the ‘Circle of Life’ from The Lion King. The children were dressed from head to toe in a range of wonderful animal costumes which included lions, zebras, elephants, monkeys and giraffes. The children had learnt their lines brilliantly and spoke in loud clear voices; you would never believe that they were only 4 and 5 years old! Clearly, all of the parents, carers and friends of the school were incredibly proud of the efforts of their children. A special mention must go to Mrs Mortimer, Mrs Nusrat and Miss Camp for organising and arranging such an impressive assembly.


Sportshall Athletics Essex County Final:

After a strong showing on the qualifying rounds, winning both the ‘Family’ and ‘Partnership’ Finals, St John’s once again travelled down to Southend for the Essex County Final. 14 of the best teams from Essex schools lined up to be crowned county champions. Across the 12 field events and 12 track events the St John’s pupils excelled in all areas. They gave it their all and made the school extremely proud of their efforts. Finally, after all the points were added up, they finished a highly impressive second behind Belmont Castle Academy.

On behalf of St Johns school thank you to all the parent who have supported the team and thank you to all those involved who made it such a great event. A special well done to Mrs Watkins, Mr Perez and Ella Margetts (from Roding Valley and one of our talented ex-pupils) who assisted the team in their training sessions every Thursday, from 3.30pm to 5pm.


World Book Day (Mark II) Last week:

Last week, we finally managed to celebrate World Book Day (although, due to the snow we were unfortunately a week late!) and what a celebration it was! The children dressed up in a wide range of fantastic costumes, some of which drew a special attention in our assembly that day. In particular, I would like to congratulate the teamwork shown within our 2T parents, who dressed their children up as ‘Where’s Wally’ characters, causing a great deal of hilarity amongst the school community.

I do hope that you have made the time to look at the photographs taken, which are for all to see on our school website.

I am pleased to say that we have raised nearly £200, which will be put towards new projects in the school.


Autism Awareness Week & Silly Sock Day:

Next week the school children at St John’s will be learning more about autism as it is National Autism Awareness Week. Through a range of circle time activities and assemblies, the children will discover more about autism and the importance of accepting each other’s differences. Next Friday, we will be taking part in ‘Silly Sock Day’ which is an event organised by Autism Anglia to raise money for this special cause. We invite your child to wear silly socks for the day and bring in a £1 if they are able.


Easter Egg Collection reminder:

As I mentioned in last Friday’s Roundup, St John’s School has been asked if we would like to collect Easter Eggs for local needy people, in Norway House. Therefore, if you would like to take part and have a spare Easter Egg, or if you would like to purchase one separately, then please send it into the school over the next few weeks to your child’s class teacher and they will be added to our display in school and eventually sent over to Norway House.

Thank you for your support of all charitable causes at St John’s.




E safety update!


If you are ever unsure about what apps your child is using and need immediate advice or information please visit


Where can you get measured and well-informed advice on e-safety issues?


Talking to your child is the best support you can offer in e-safety issues and the better informed you are the more you will be able to help your child.


Parents Questionnaire:

Early this week, the school sent out a Parents Questionnaire, asking Parents views of the school. Thank you so much for all parents and carers who have filled them in and returned them to the school. We would ask that all parents fill in their questionnaire and return it to their class teacher so that we can see what the school is doing well and where we need to improve.

Thank you for your continued support of the school.


Head Lice:

Over the last couple of weeks, we have experienced a few cases of head lice in the school. Could we ask all parents and carers to be extra vigilant with their children and carry out regular checks as a precautionary measure. We would also suggest that if any child has long hair that they keep it tied back.

Thank you for your support in this matter.


PTA Events reminder:

Please save the dates for 2 fantastic St John’s PTA events;

18th May: Royal Wedding Theme Quiz Night

16th June: Head teacher’s Summer Ball


If you would like more information about joining the PTA, sponsorship or to attend any of our events please email us


Activities this week:

  • Wednesday 14th March: Sportshall Indoor Athletics Essex County Final
  • Thursday 15th March: R1 Class Assembly


Coming Up…

  • Thursday 22nd March: 6M Class assembly
  • Holy Week: beginning Monday 26th March
  • Easter Service: Thursday 29th March at 9.30am in St John’s Church
  • End of term: Thursday 29th March at 1.30pm
  • Summer Term starts on Monday 16th April at 8.45am 


Please have a great weekend!

Mr C Jarmain
