Friday Round Up 15/9/17

Friday Round-Up
End of Week Two!
Thank you to everyone in the St John’s School community for another really successful
week. Whilst standing on the school gate every morning and afternoon and also during my
visits to all of our many classrooms I have been delighted by how well all of our children
have settled in to school life at the start of this academic term. Thank you to everyone who
has helped this smooth transition to the school year – I cannot believe how quickly these
first two weeks have passed!

Please feel free to come and speak to me on the school gate if I haven’t had the opportunity
to say hello and I’ll do my very best to answer any questions that you may have!

Welcome to our new Reception children!
Hello and welcome to our new Reception cohort who have been gradually joining us from
the start of this week. I have observed, at first-hand, how well they have settled in to school
life, as my office is located almost directly opposite to their new classrooms. The Early Years
team have remarked about how well they are doing and how happy they are! They are
particularly impressed with those parents who have been letting their children come into
their classrooms independently, to bring in their book-bags, snacks, water bottles and coats.
Very well done! Can I just take this opportunity to say thank you to the Early Years team,
which comprises Mrs Mortimer (the Head of Early Years, and the Assistant Head), as well as
Mrs Hammerston, Miss Camp, Mrs Nusrat, Miss Franklin-Jones, Mrs Doe, Miss Verdi, Mrs
Ridley and Mrs Rana – who have all worked so hard this week to ensure that the children
have a positive start to their school life. Keep it up everyone!

Lost Property; Naming Clothing
Thank you to all the parents who helped to collect items from our ‘mountain’ of lost
property clothing – I am delighted to say that this has now been vastly reduced! Please feel
free to have a look in the Barn lobby area, where there is a basket which still holds a few
unclaimed items, if your child has still got an item or two still missing.
Please don’t forget to write your child’s name and class on all items of clothing that are sent
into school, especially jumpers/cardigans and coats, as well as lunchboxes – as these will
most likely be sent back to their appropriate class if discovered around the school. Thank
you for your assistance in this matter.

School Sports
In last week’s Friday Round-up I mentioned that Multi-skills club and Rob Thomas’ football
club and Football team trials had started; this week Mrs Watkins and Mr Perez began the
Year 5&6 Tag-rugby squad practise after school. This will take place every Thursday from 3.30-4.30pm, on the school field. We would welcome any child, boy or girl, from either Year 5 or 6 to come along, whatever their rugby experience – as the children have a really great time. This week we had 12 children attend, next week I would like to see lots, lots more. This is a great opportunity for children from these year groups, who would like to get fit, get into a school team, and, above all, have fun! I am looking forward to coming along next Thursday myself, to help coach. See you there!

Healthy Snacks and Packed Lunches and No Nuts!
Currently, we have a number of our children who have severe nut allergies, some life-
threatening! St John’s has always been a nut-free school; unfortunately, it has come to my
attention that a significant number of children are bringing snacks into school which contain
nuts or traces of nuts. Therefore, I am introducing a policy where only the following fruit- or
vegetable-based snacks will be permitted in school.
These include:
 all types of fruit and vegetables;
 fruit based snacks, e.g. fruit winders, raisins, dried fruit, fruit peelers, yogurt flakes
(although some of these do have sugar in high quantities).
Please note that cereal bars, which can be healthy, often contain nuts or traces of nuts.
On Friday’s we will continue to allow children to bring in a less-healthy option, if they wish.
However, this must be carefully checked and must not contain nuts. Please ensure that your
packed lunches follow these guidelines.
If a child brings in a snack which we deem to be unsafe, we will be required to remove it and
return it to their parent at the end of the school day.
Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

School Uniform
Just a quick message to thank all of our parents for supporting the school in ensuring that
the children are dressed appropriately at the start of this school year. Last week I mentioned
that the school was having a ‘purge’ on school uniform, ensuring that children are wearing
the correct footwear – black shoes, not trainers of any kind. I am pleased to note that the
children are showing a greater awareness that shirts must be tucked in at all times and ties
should be the correct length and not knotted too short or too long. I have also seen a great
improvement in the size and colour of hair bows and a significant reduction in nail polish
and varnish being worn.
Thank you for your continued help and support!

Independent School Practise Interviews
Over the last two weeks I have been required to fill in a number of interim forms for
children wishing to take part in Independent School exams. A number of parents have asked
me about how their children can be best prepared for this daunting experience… I am
delighted to inform you that I have secured the services of Mr Tidmarsh to assist the
children in their interview technique! The first practise session will take place on Wednesday 20 th September at 12pm, upstairs in Mr Tidmarsh’s office. The children do not need to prepare anything special for this session, but he will be coaching them through some of the do’s and don’ts of interviews. Good luck!

Thank you so much to the parents who have supported us in our request to leave all dogs at
the school gate, due to some children and adults being extremely anxious about dogs being
brought in to the school grounds. I have been monitoring this on the school gate and I really
appreciate your support. Thank you.

Computing; Safeguarding advice
There may be times when your child approaches you to discuss something online that has
concerned them.
It is important to offer our children a safe and non-judgemental conversation at these times
and to let our children that they are always able to share their concerns.
If you are unsure how to speak to your child in these situations, or you need additional
support please speak to your class teacher or visit which can offer support and guidance on a wide range of e safety topics.

Dates for your diary…
This week we had…
 Year 4 Forest Walk
 Reception children started
 Year 2 hymnbooks and Prefect badges presented
Next week…
 Year 4 Victorian trip to
 On Friday Roding Valley talk to Year 6 students and parents at St John’s (2pm in
the Barn)
The following week…
 Monday 25 th September 8pm PTA Annual General Meeting
 Tuesday 26 th September 3.30pm Year 6 Parents Welcome Meeting
 Wednesday 27 th September 9am Year 6 Parents Welcome Meeting
 Thursday 28 th Harvest Festival at 10am in the Church
 Thursday 28 th 6pm Reception Parents Welcome and Reading Information Evening

Thank you, once again, for all your continued support over these first two weeks.
Please have a really great (and relaxing) weekend!
Mr C. Jarmain