Friday Round 22/09/2017

Dear Parents,

Harvest Festival
Thank you for all of the kind donations that we have already received for our Harvest display. Wewill actively be collecting a vast array of non-perishable goods up until Thursday 28th September. Keep them coming!

Year 6 Parents
Over the last week we have had quite a few fliers arriving at the school, advertising Open Days, at some of our local Secondary Schools. For info:
Open days at local Secondary Schools:
• Braeside - 4th October, Juniors 9.15am and Seniors at 6pm
• Normanhurst - 5th October, all years at 6pm
• Roding Valley - 19th, 20th, 21st of September at 9.15am, or the 28th September at
5.30pm – 8pm
• Forest School - Saturday 23rd September, 8.30am-1.30pm
• Debden Park - Saturday 23rd September, 9am-12.30pm

Music Tuition
Mrs Huff, our music teacher, has found over the last year that some children are regularly forgetting their instruments on their music lesson day. In the past, she has tried her best to reorganise the lesson. However, she is finding this increasingly difficult to do. Therefore, from now on, a pupil’s will only be able to rearrange one lesson, subsequent lessons missed due to no instrument in school, will be lost. Thank you for your understanding.

Gardening Club
We have had a request from Mrs Peet and Mrs Wilkins, our Gardening Club leaders, for any
donations of Spring bulbs and Winter bedding plants, such as pansies. This would be greatly

Following my parentmail this Wednesday. This is a reminder that from Monday 25th September fruit and vegetable snacks only will be acceptable (this includes Friday’s). If your child has packed lunches,
these should be healthy and balanced and support guidelines (ie, not nuts, chocolate or sweets please).

Computing & Safeguarding Advice:
Location sharing - who knows exactly where your child is? Many popular apps allow users to share their precise location with others. Apps include Google & Apple maps, WhatsApp and, more recently, Instagram. Locations can often be updated in real time. While these apps all offer the option of removing location sharing, it is not always a default setting. Adults are advised to discuss the apps their children use on phones and tablets with a view to removing location tracking. For more information on app features visit or speak to your teacher.

Activities this week:
• Year 4 Visited the British Schools Museum
• Year 5 had a Maya talk
• Forest walks
• Roding Valley talk to Year 6 students and parents at St John’s (2pm in the Barn)

Next week...
• Monday 25th September 8pm PTA Annual General Meeting (parents welcome)
• Tuesday 26th September 3.30pm Year 6 Parents Welcome Meeting
• Wednesday 27th September 9am Year 6 Parents Welcome Meeting
• Thursday 28th Harvest Festival at 10am in the Church
• Thursday 28th 6pm Reception Parents Welcome and Reading Information Evening

Thank you, once again, for all your continued support over these first two weeks. Please
have a really great (and relaxing) weekend.
Mr C. Jarmain