Friday 6/10/17

Friday Round-Up


End of Week Five! 6th October


Harvest Festival

Thank you for the wonderfully kind donations which have now been sent to the Food Bank, in Loughton. Following a quick bit of arithmetic, the school received exactly 215 family food donations to this worthy cause. Thank you to everyone who sent something in. Next year let’s see if we can beat it and collect even more!


Reading Buddies

This morning, we had a really productive Reading Buddies meeting. A huge thank you to the 25 friends of the school, who turned up for the meeting, where coffees and teas were enjoyed in the staffroom, before a quick presentation and question and answer session was held in my office. I am also aware that there are a number of ‘veteran’ Reading Buddies, who have been brilliantly helping us for a number of years, who were unable to attend the meeting – so thanks too to them. We really do appreciate all of the people who give up their time to support the school in this important area. Please see Mrs Clarke (Year 6) if you were unable to make the meeting and you need a Welcome Pack, which contains the important information you need to be a Reading Buddy, this academic year. Just a reminder that you do need a current DBS if you wish to join our current team. Thank you to Mrs Clarke and Mrs Hooley who are leading on this vital area.


Computing & Safeguarding Advice:

Parental controls and internet filters provided by major companies do not work and can be easily bypassed. With ease, our children can install software which will allow access to the whole internet. In addition, games that use microphones do not have an effective filtering mechanism. Put simply, if a child wants to access content online, they will be able to find a way to do it.

It is for this reason it is important to talk to our children about what they access online and encourage them to speak openly with you if they access any content which makes them feel uncomfortable.

For more information on how to open a dialogue with your child speak to your class teacher or visit


School Photographs

Just a reminder that the individual school photographs are taking place next week, on Wednesday 11th October. As we mentioned last week there is an opportunity for family photographs and pre-school sibling photographs to be taken on a first come first served basis from 8am to 8.45am on this day in the Church Hall.



         Activities this week:

  • Monday 2nd October – Year 1 Coffee Morning
  • Tuesday 3rd October – Year 2 Welcome Meetings at 9am and 3.30pm
  • Friday 6th October – Reading Buddies Meeting at 9am


       Next week… and beyond

  • Year 1 Parents Coffee Morning at 9am in the Staff room
  • Tuesday 10th October Mr Nicholson delivering Independent Schools Parents Talk
  • Tuesday 10th October 3.30pm Year 5 Parents Welcome Meeting in 5T
  • Wednesday 11th October – Individual Photographs
  • Thursday 12th October 9am Year 5 Parents Welcome Meeting in 5T
  • Thursday 12th October Year 4 Parents Welcome meeting 9am in 4L & 3.30pm in 4L
  • Friday 13th October – 2T Class Assembly at 10am (all 2T parents welcome!)
  • Monday 16th October to Thursday 19th October – Maths Theme Week
  • Monday 16th October – Year 1 Coffee Morning in the Staff room


Have a great, relaxing weekend and thank you for all of your continued support this month!


Mr C. Jarmain
