Learning to Learn

At St John’s we know that the environment is crucial to enable children to make good progress in their learning. It is important that all areas of the school promote a positive attitude towards learning.

On a basic level this means that all classrooms will have displays promoting different areas of the curriculum, for example a high quality book area with books displayed in an appealing manner, Maths and English working walls showing the steps needed to accomplish the objective set. Teachers will continue to develop children’s thinking and learning skills in quality first teaching.

At St John’s we aim to deliver a positive climate for learning, the children are given a ‘voice’ and are able to discuss their learning in their classes. This is fundamental for engagement and pupil progress.

All staff are dedicated to providing the pupils of St John’s with a first quality education that will engage them. All lessons have clear objectives and there are high levels of participation by the children. The children will be expected to take responsibility for their own learning and will develop their independence. Staff will support children in this by encouraging a ‘Growth Mindset’ approach which fosters the belief that skills and talents only improve with practice.