Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check 2024

During the first two weeks of June, Year 4 participate in a multiplication check or MTC for short.  This is in order to ensure that all children learn and can use times tables  by the time they leave the primary school. The MTC is a statutory test, which means all state schools have to administer it. 

Children have been learning times tables since year 2, when they learnt to recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables. In year 3 they continued this with the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables and in year 4 they are expected to know all of the times table facts up to 12 x 12 by the time they take the MTC.

Children use TT Rockstars at school and are encouraged to do so at home in order to develop their fluency. We advise parents to support children in this and encourage them to continue to log on regularly to practise recalling the times tables at speed.

In school the children have taken part in a practise MTC, this is to ensure that they are all able to login to the DFE test online and understand how to complete the check. The official check consists of 25 questions. Pupils will have 6 seconds to answer each question, with 3 seconds pause between questions. 

For more information on the MTC please read the information below.

MTC leaflet for parents.

Information video about the Multiplication Tables Check