Curriculum Content

At St John's we teach an exciting curriculum that allows children to develop skills in different subject areas, learn about the world in which they live and importantly encourage the spiritual, cultural and moral development of pupils.  The National Curriculum provides the backbone of what is taught but it has been planned specifically for the children at            St John's so that they may live "Life in all its Fullness." 

Please click on the red links below and this will open up as a PDF that can be looked at and printed if required.

St John's Early years planner (prime areas)

St John's Early years planner (non core)

St John's English Long Term Planner KS1 and KS2 

St John's Foundation subjects long term planner KS1 and KS2 

Science Long Term Planner

RE Long Term Planner

How we teach

How we teach English

How we teach Maths Please see the maths page for more details

Reading & Phonics schemes

To teach reading we use the Supersonics scheme. This starts in EYFS and is continued into Key Stage 1. Please click on the link to see what the scheme is able to provide.

We use the Book Band system to allow children throughout the school to choose from a variety of genres suitable for their reading age and ability.

More information

If you wish to find out more about the curriculum our school is following please contact: